
Peterborough edible garden tour

August 7th, 2014

cgOn Saturday August 16th, join the Peterborough Community Garden Network for their Edible Garden Tour. This free, self-guided tour will showcase community gardens and other creative examples of people growing their own food throughout Peterborough. Explore a series of gardens big and small, and get inspired to add to or start your own edible garden.

Participants will receive a map indicating the location of the gardens and the times in which they can be visited. They can tour every garden or even just one. Maps can be picked up before hand on Friday August 15th at GreenUP (378 Aylmer St.) or the Avant Garden Shop (165 Sherbrooke St.) or on Saturday August 16th at GreenUP, Avant Garden and the Stewart St. Community Garden (220 Stewart St. – just south of Sherbrooke between Stewart & Bethune).
Growing your own food has many benefits, it provides fresh food, gets you outside & exercising with your hands in the dirt, greens unused spaces & can be very rewarding. It also has a positive effect on our community. When you are outside tending to your garden, you meet and talk to your neighbours, gardens start conversations, they give you a sense of seasonality, a deeper connection with the natural world and an appreciation for how hard farmers work.
Join community gardeners as they off their hard work that has been put into growing these beautiful gardens and get inspired to grow your own!

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