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Ilex verticillata

Ilex verticillata

This is our native holly – a shrub of wet places.  While it does not have evergreen leaves, it does have persistent red berries along the main stem which look very attractive all winter.  Both male and female plants required to produce berries.  Berries are pretty but toxic to humans.


3-8 feet

Sun Requirements

Prefers full sun but it can adapt to part shade

Water Requirements

Prefers moister soils


Simple white flowers in May/June


Bees, birds, butterflies

Important Butterfly Larval Host

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Special Tolorances

Salt & deer resistant

Products Available

12"      Item Number: SH2000
(Currently not available)

2-3'      Item Number: SH2001
(Currently not available)

male\female pair, 1 gallon      $80      
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